You can check it’s working by going into the Video Options and seeing a load of new settings which are available to you, including Shaders. Press the PLAY button in the Minecraft Launcher, and Minecraft will launch with Optifine installed. The smaller text will display the version of Minecraft it’s installed for, as well as the version of Optifine. This is a freshly installed profile which was added during the Optifine installation process. This contains all of your Minecraft Profiles, which might be your Forge, Fabric and older versions that you have installed. In the bottom left corner is a dropdown menu. Now that Optifine is installed, open up the Minecraft Launcher. Once it’s complete, you can go ahead and close the Optifine Installer window.
Optifine will install into your Minecraft directory, and will complete after a few seconds. The only thing to consider in this window is whether you want need to change the install folder location, but in most cases, this can be left alone. Before proceeding, make sure that the Minecraft Launcher isn’t open, as the Optifine profile won’t install. Open the Optifine.JAR file that we downloaded in the previous step, and the Optifine installer will open, which will look like the window below. Take note that this method doesn’t allow the installation of Forge or Fabric mods alongside it, but Datapacks still work. It’s by far the easiest way of installing Optifine. Scroll further down, to our Forge and Fabric guides instead if you’re using a mod launcher. Installing Optifine as a standalone is recommended when you only want to play Vanilla Minecraft.